Wednesday, August 11, 2010

When a crocodile eats the sun

Even the cold blooded killers need a little warmth from time to time. I came across these killing machines lying on the sand banks of the river catching some rays in the morning. For optimum warmth they open their mouths wide so the heat can go directly where its needed. Crocodiles mostly absorb heat through their thick scales by a network of small capillaries that push blood through the scales and capture the absorbed heat. The nile crocodile has a unique ability to hunt both in and out of water with notable altercations with female lions, leopards and even cheaters. From one of the local languages in Zambia, crocodile translates to "Flat dog" which is quite appropriate when you observe crocs floating just above the surface of the water like a ..well a flat dog.

Crocodylus niloticus

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