Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Typical day in the bush

Life in the bush is quite unpredictable. Sometimes I wake up to see this in my front yard

Most probably done by these guys

because the crocodile was trying to steal this from them

but it's all good because it now means these guys can have breakfast

while I head to over to mine ...at an undisclosed but incredibly romantic location

Nothing like a bloody Mary to restart the engine...

After breakfast I like to watch birds fishing

doing their thing

but I may go on a game drive to watch these

and these

then have a quick snooze here

at 4pm or "1600hrs" as they say around here I will go on a game drive

We usually run into ellies


and my favorite giraffes

When the sun is going down

We will stop for sundowners

then heading home we'll be lucky if we run into him


or him (a bit blurry but that's leopard alright)

We'll get back in time for candle lit dinner

with Oscar

which might feature this

or this

after dinner, I'll catch a bit of WC football with the guys before heading to bed

and that's how we roll in the bush!


Unknown said...

this is the life.....it's like living in a National Geographic programme....hehehheh

Unknown said...

heheh! i should sell rights to my life!