Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Pride and Dignity

Pride –the conciousness of one’s own dignity. Today, men lost their pride, in my mind. They stood in front of children and their parents, children of privilege and education and lisped through a child’s song they could hardly string together a descend sentence of the “birthday song.” This is their work, what they have to do and they did it. It did not occur to them to control the situation and use their own words and their own way, to entertain, amuse and celebrate in lieu of being the entertainment and source of amusement. I am amazed that the very same men, are influenced by this same thing to resist education, freedom, the ability to dream and have possibilities. Or perhaps they resist the medium and the methods implemented. I find it hard to imagine or assume that THIS is what they want. Granted I have my own selfish ambitions, my sense of “social responsibility.” In their shoes, I would sooner swallow my pride in pursuit of freedom, than be content in stooping so low, and staying there. I hate being told what to do, but I don’t hate it when I know that its for my benefit, my betterment, my golden ticket to freedom, self entitlement to the consiousness of my own dignity, my pride.

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