Sunday, June 27, 2010

World cup in the bush

Yes the buzz is loud and kicking in the bush as well. The guys get to see the games on large screen whenever we have no guests. They are quite entertaining to watch as they yell and scold the ailing favorite team (which ever it is that day since Zambia is not participating.) I love it when the older guys go oooaaahhhhaaaa Crisiiiiaaaaano as if he is five and he has just spilt icecream all over himself in a careless move. But perhaps that's what it looks like when you are not actually playing but merely spectating. My interest in the games spreads as far as taking pictures and watching the guys as they react to what's actually happening. The other night we had some pretty demanding South Africans. They wanted to see the game after their game drive so we taped it for them and it was all we could do to keep from spilling the beans, though South Africa won they were out by virtue of something I obviously don't understand (since I don't really watch- you get my point.) It did not settle well with the ladies who had had a bit to drink and were a bit teary from all the excitement. I was just glad I didnt have to sit with them and pretend to care that SA had lost and feign my devastation.

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